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One of Florida’s first attractions, built in 1956.

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Welcome to the Citrus Tower, an enduring landmark built in 1956 and nestled in the heart of Florida and one of the state’s first “attractions.” Once surrounded by thriving citrus groves, this historical treasure now offers a glimpse into the evolving landscape of a vibrant community. As you ascend the tower in an air-conditioned elevator, embrace panoramic views that showcase the charm of a developing region with its picturesque neighborhoods, and glistening lakes. While the citrus groves may be long gone, the Citrus Tower is a testament to Florida’s rich past and promising future. Join us as we celebrate this beloved landmark’s enduring spirit and our community’s ever-changing beauty.

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Embrace panoramic views that showcase the charm of a developing region

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The Citrus Tower stands unrivaled as a majestic and monumental tribute to Central Florida’s famed citrus industry and its lush subtropical groves. With the area’s changing economic climate, the Tower serves as a beacon guiding a burgeoning new business and population base to the scenic South Lake County region.

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The Citrus Tower: where extraordinary views and fascinating history await. Our iconic observation deck offers a panoramic experience that has captured the hearts of celebrity visitors and tourists alike over the years. Take in our evolving community’s breathtaking sights, charming neighborhoods, bustling streets, and shimmering lakes. Immerse yourself in the stories of those who have found inspiration in this beloved landmark. Whether you’re a first-time visitor or a returning friend, the Citrus Tower invites you to create your own cherished memories and be a part of our enduring legacy. Get ready for a truly remarkable journey!



Adults: $11.00
Children: $7.00 (3-12)
Senior, AAA, First Responder, Nurse, Military: $10.00


Monday-Thursday 7 am-10 pm
Friday & Saturday 7 am-11 pm
Sunday 11 am-10 pm

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GOOD rating
Based on 987 reviews
Enjoyed our visit. Beautiful views from the top of the tower! You have to try a coffee and muffin.
Elizabeth Cuckson
Elizabeth Cuckson
Simply Amazing the transformation that is taking place at the Tower and all surrounding businesses. God is on the move, hallelujah!
MrDiyagi DanielSan
MrDiyagi DanielSan
Inside appears to have been recently renovated. Great views and a cool piece of history.
Peter Koerper
Peter Koerper
Una vista espectacular!
Iraima Heddrich
Iraima Heddrich
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Ollie The Orange

A wholesome tale of best friends exploring the lost history of citrus. Join Ollie and the gang to learn about the most common fruits, their original names, and interesting facts you’ve never considered before.

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[us_itext texts=”Fund the TOWER
Fund the FUTURE”][us_image image=”911″ size=”us_600_600_crop” link=”%7B%22url%22%3A%22%22%7D”]